Monday, October 15, 2007

So many things, so little time....

It's been a while since I posted, and I know most of you are wondering what has happened. Well, between some relatively uneventful commutes and a glorious week off from work, I haven't had much to say. But let me assure you, I have PLENTY to say right now. As before, I'll try to break it down a little so I can cover everything relatively quickly.

#1. SHUT UP! Seriously! Shut up!

We all get to know each other relatively quickly. You ride at the same times with roughly the same people every morning. Knowing this should, SHOULD, make you hesitant about sharing your lurid personal details with semi-strangers! Granted, I don't necessarily know your name, but with the level of detail you provide me, I could certainly track you down. (granted, I don't want to, but what if I was a psycho? Let's stop and think people.) I understand the urge to be chatty when you are in a car full of people for a long time. I also understand the urge to get your problems off your chest. God knows I have a Mack Truck load I could dump on you. But I don't say anything. Why is that? Because it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Just like it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS who your daughter is sleeping with, was sleeping with, or how many weapons your boyfriend keeps around just in case.

Yes, I leave room for the possibility that there are indeed people in the car who want you to share all of your bizarre personal details. Hell, if it's the afternoon commute, I'm all for listening to your latests soap opera moment. But, as I have stated previously, before 9AM, I am NOT interested.

So, here's a little cheatsheet for "how to know if the people in this car care about my ______": if the people to whom you are blabbing keep dozing off, THEY AREN'T LISTENING. If their response to your questions consist of a few grunts and a sigh, THEY AREN'T LISTENING. If they snore, THEY AREN'T LISTENING!

Do yourself, and your fellow commuters a favor, when you see these signs, save your breath for the ride home (provided these signs are not present again).

As for me, ALWAYS assume that I want to sleep. :) I love sleep.

#2. This is a quick review of a previous complaint, so it will be short.

If your car's inspection sticker has expired, and I don't just mean a few days ago, you should NOT endanger other people's lives. I can only assume that there are mechanical issues preventing your vehicle from passing inspection. If you want to take that chance, that's up to you. But do me a favor, DON'T LET ME RIDE IN YOUR DEATH MACHINE. Good Lord people! Let's use some common sense.

It could be, and I could be wrong, but it could be that the reason the car won't pass inspection is because it's so FULL of trash that the inspector couldn't get in to do his checklist. That's right, I sat on top of trash that was on top of trash. And, despite my fortunately short stature, I was so crammed into your backseat that my short little knees were up to my chest. Try, TRY to think of what you are putting your riders through!

#3. This is just funny, so I'm going to share.

Referring back to #1, but it has nothing to do with me.....

If you get into a car and greet the driver and their response is to turn up the radio louder without responding, there's a GOOD chance that person does not want to talk to you.

Just a thought...I could be wrong.

Happy slugging!

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