Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Powell Vindicated

The Chemical Weapons Convention banned the production or stockpiling of chemical and biological weapons in roughly 1997.  The CWC defines chemical weapons as any toxic chemical or its precursor that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation through its chemical action. The justification for the US going into Iraq after 9/11 was evidence, which subsequently "disappeared," of these banned chemical weapons.  It has only been recently that I figured out why we couldn't find them.  

Wrapped up in one little tiny, commercially available package, we have these "air freshener" car vent clips that have the chemical intensity to basically destroy your sense of smell and poison your brain so that it can no longer process any smells that happen to get through the chemical cloud before your olfactory sense dies.  Any slug will tell you that these things are ev-er-y-where.  I'd venture a guess that roughly 7 out of 10 cars has one of these noxious, poisonous, toxic cartridges "innocently" tucked into the slats of their vents--and there is never just ONE.  Oh no, there is usually one for EVERY vent.  If you have ever had to sit in an enclosed vehicle with these little weapons of mass destruction affixed to at least 4 vents on full blast, you understand exactly what I mean. 

What in the risen unholy hell are folks doing in their cars that they need to basically chemically incinerate any and all smells in their cars???

Every time I get out of one of those death labs, my nose hair is singed off, my clothes smell like Saddam Hussein's test lab, and I feel lightheaded and nauseous.  I'm convinced that the these car clips were used to cover up the smell of the Iraqi chemical weapon stockpiles, which is why we never found the chemical weapons in Iraq.  These things must be banned.  Immediately.