Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sluggish Humanity

In the course of our lives, most of us get burned repeatedly, and we become cynical and untrusting. It's a natural instinct that keeps us going as a species. If you learn from your mistakes, you will hopefully not repeat them. I am one who has undoubtedly encountered some of the worst, most dishonest people in the world, and I am probably the least trusting person you will meet. Why do I bring this up?

Well, slugging is starting to restore my faith in humanity. OK, maybe not "restore" completely, but perhaps it's giving me hope that OTHERS won't become as cynical as me.

I received a ride from a nice 30s-ish woman in a BIG SUV. When I got in the backseat, I noticed her purse was sitting next to me on the seat. Being the cynic that I am, I wanted her to NOT have that purse there. NOT because I had any intention of robbing her, but because I wanted to remove any doubt that anything could happen (there was another passenger in the backseat with me). So the whole ride, I was sitting there thinking about how much trust this woman must have in people.

I understand that you have to have a certain amount of trust to invite someone into your car. And of course, a certain amount of trust to get into a stranger's car. But for me, my view is that you just don't give someone an opportunity to disappoint you. Whenever I've done that, I've gotten burned. Apparently, this nice lady hasn't. She never once checked the status of her purse, (or VERY expensive shoes) and that includes when we all jumped out of the car. WOW, seriously, that's TRUST. I'm amazed and a little envious. I wish I wasn't quite so cynical.

At least I know that, for that day...on that ride, her faith was not shattered in her fellow man. As her cynical, self-appointed guardian, I made sure the other guy didn't slip his hand in to get his lunch money for the day.

All I can say is that I hope that she continues to have such a sunny outlook of her fellow man. For me, it's getting slightly brighter.

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