Thursday, February 26, 2009

Luck of the Draw

Some mornings just don't go well. It almost seems like once the suck ball starts rolling you juts can't stop it. By the time I got to work this morning, I was rolling full speed in a life-size suck ball.

As I entered the commuter lot this morning, some clunky-Mustang-driving redneck cut me off and nearly made me wreck my car. My heart was drumming pretty steadily by the time I reached the few available parking spaces left in the lot (thanks inconsiderate van-pools. Us sluggers just L-O-V-E you). I excitedly pulled into the one lovely space left on the row I was in when Mr. Teeter Totter decided to open his car door. My cat-like reflexes of course saved me from ripping his door off, but I sat there a quarter into the space with a line of angry cars jockeying for the holy grail of parking spaces while he peeled his enormous, roly-poly body out of his teeny-tiny little clown car. It seemed to take 5 minutes to complete this process before I could pull into the space. Cars were revving their engines behind me thinking that I must be smoking crack instead of parking, and I got some pretty ugly looks as people were finally clear to go around me. Not my fault guys!

I finally got safely parked, and I loaded all of my work gear onto my shoulders with great exertion of effort. Who knew you needed 3 enormous shoulder bags to sit in an office all day? It was peak traffic time in the lot, so I had to stand by my car for at least 2 minutes waiting to cross the lane to get to the line. I patiently waited for everyone to go by without having the courtesy of letting me cross, and I finally got a break. As I started to cross the lane, a car coming from the lane pointing straight at me decides to come flying through the lane and not stop at the end of it. I was in the middle of the perpendicular lane when he bolted out and almost hit me. I froze and braced myself for what would have been a really painful meet-and-greet with his front bumper. I must have glowed with fear because he slammed on his brakes and stopped just inches from my legs. Then HE waved me across the road. Wow, how generous of you.

He turned the corner, and I walked on my way to the line with shaky legs and heart palpitations (I'm going to need a cardiologist soon). I approached the line and saw at least 20 people in line, and I could tell there was a car sitting at the front of the line waiting. Clearly none of those 20 people were going where that car was headed, so they all sat there staring at each other. I asked the folks ahead of me as I got to the line where the car was going. They turned and said MY location. Wooohooo! Rock on! I love walking up to the line and getting directly into a car, especially when the line is long.

The problem is that I looked around the people toward the car and realized it was the guy who almost just turned me into a grease spot on the road. Wow, this lucky and it's not even St. Patrick's Day?

I hosted a little internal debate between my ego and id, and I finally decided that the guy didn't ACTUALLY kill me, so maybe there's a chance I'll make it work. His car was smelly and uncomfortable, and he slammed on his brakes A LOT. But in the end, he dropped me off at work in good time and alive, so I guess it wasn't all bad. :) (This is me trying to see the "bright" side of am I doing?)

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